Zum Inhalt springen
RACI Methode
Das Adler Prinzip
RACI Mindset
Effektiv vs. Effizient
Pull vs. Push Prinzip
Hierarchie vs. Agile Organisation
Agile Transformation
Umgang mit Veränderungen
Effektive Delegation
RACI Delegation Poker
Stand Up Meetings
RACI Methode
Das Adler Prinzip
RACI Mindset
Effektiv vs. Effizient
Pull vs. Push Prinzip
Hierarchie vs. Agile Organisation
Agile Transformation
Umgang mit Veränderungen
Effektive Delegation
RACI Delegation Poker
Stand Up Meetings
Enter Teams
The AllStars team is formed automatically. It contains all entered stakeholders. The team cannot be modified or deleted.
To create a new team, give the team a name and an abbreviation. Double-click on the Stakeholder (all) table to add the stakeholder to the team. You can also remove a stakeholder in the same way. A stakeholder can be in several teams at the same time.
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